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Islamic Studies Ijazah Program - Level 4 (Advanced)


Jurisprudence (Fiqh) is the most practical of the Islamic studies for any Muslim, directly effecting and dictating their daily lives. Continuing on from the Intermediate level 3 where we learnt the rulings of worship according to the Shafi' School, in this level, students will continue learning the rules (according to the Shafi' school) of

  • buying & selling
  • marriage & divorce
  • inheritance 
  • Punishments & Offences
  • Permissible & Impermissible 

Alternatively, those students who opt in for higher Level Hanafi Fiqh studies, can continue studying the Al-Hidaya to completion.

Textbooks Slated:

  • Umdatul Saalik by Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri (Shafi' Fiqh)
    • or Al-Hidaya | Alternative module for higher level Hanafi Fiqh Studies