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Snapshots for Modern Reality(Women in the Quran)


"The Quranic message presents women as important and central characters. It traces their different life patterns and spiritual journeys, and more importantly presents them as models who manifest the soul’s longing to express its devotion to the Divine."

The Qur’an contains a moral guideline and values for all humanity. The latter is exemplified through characters mentioned in the Qur’an, including women. This said, the women mentioned in the Qur’an are oftentimes portrayed as having secondary roles in narratives centered around men. However, the Quranic message presents women as important and central characters at times. It traces their different life patterns and spiritual journeys, and more importantly presents them as models who manifest the soul’s longing to express its devotion to the Divine. Therefore, in reviewing some of the characters introduced in the Qur’an, I seek to argue that the Qur’an contains a spiritual and paradigmatic message which speaks to the heart and soul of every woman and contains guidance for spiritual growth.


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