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Tarikh Al-Khulafa(History of the Caliphs)

This excellent book summarizes the history of Islamic Caliphate and caliphs up to the times of Imam As-Suyuti.

Extensive as is the reputation of the Suyuti as a distinguished author and scholar and unsurpassed for then number and range of the works which in every branch of literature known to his age, his unwearied pen never ceased to produce, we are indebted to the malice or envy of but one of his contemporaries and to his own testimony for the few details of his life and studies that we possess. Reference to one or other of his multitudinous volumes is made by writers of his own and succeeding times where the kindred subject of which they treat naturally calls for it, but only one contemporary biographical notice of him besides his own, is extant.

The Book Covers the following:

  • Detailed histories, covering Khalif Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Talib and Hasan bin Ali.
  • The Banu Ummayyah dynasty, sketches for each caliph, including summaries of their characters, how they came to power, key events during their rule and their demise.
  • The Ummayad dynasty Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan his son Yazid his son Muawiyah who ruled for 40 days before civil disturbances led the companion Abdullah bin Zubayr to temporarily become Caliph.
  • Abdul Malik bin Marwan and his until Marwan al-Himar.
  • Abbasid Rulers starting with Abu’l Abbas al-Saffah.
  • The Egyptian Caliphate following the Mongol occupation of Baghdad, ending with Al Mutawakkil A'la'llah Abu Izz who died in the year 903 Hijri .
  • Imam Suyuti ends this book with a two page overview of the rulers of the Umayyad dynasty of Spain.
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