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Rabi'-ul-Awwal 1434

The Beauty of Creation

Posted on January 01, 2012


Assalaam Alaykum dear brothers and sisters, we pray that you are in the best of Imaan, Ihsaan and Health.

Rabi’ul Awwal is the third month of the Islamic calendar and takes its name from the season of SPRING- it is a month where the flowers bloom and blossom and for the people of love it is a month where hearts bloom and blossom. Rabi’ul Awwal is often considered one of the most spiritually enhancing months within Islam, with its significance defining the whole of humanity. It is within this month that we were blessed with the birth of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Before the birth of such beauty, the world was drowned in the darkness of ignorance, superstition, oppression and unrest, to which the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) brought forward the eternal truth of Tawhid (Oneness of Allah). Islam therefore became the only faith which provided a firm basis for the real concepts of knowledge, equality and peace- it became the faith which delivered humanity from ignorance and superstitions and spread the light of true knowledge throughout the world.

Allah (Glorified and Exalted)) has stated in the glorious Quran:
"Indeed Allah conferred a great favour on the believers when he sent among them a Messenger (Muhammad peace be upon him) from among themselves, reciting unto them His verses, (The Quran) and purifying them, (from sins by their following him) and instructing them (in) the Book (Quran) and Al-Hikmah, (the wisdom and the Sunnah of the Prophet peace be upon him) before that they had been in manifest error." (Surah 3. Al-Imran: Verse 164).

It is also stated in the Quran:
"We have sent him (Muhammad peace be upon him) as a source of mercy for the A'alimeen (humans, jinns and all else that exists)" (Surah 21.Al- Anbiya: Verse 107).

The birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is said to have taken place on a Monday morning in the holy city of Makkah. Whilst there is no confirmed date of the birth, scholars have agreed the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th of Rabi'-Ul-Awwal are perhaps the most likely, following various narrations. Ibn Sa'd (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the mother of our beloved prophet, Amina (may Allah be pleased with her), stated that on the birth of her son (peace be upon him:
"There was a light that issued out of my pudendum and lit the palaces of Syria." (Mukhtasar Seerat-ul-Rasool)

The following important events took place within this month:

  • The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) was born in this month as mercy for all and departed from this world 63 years later
  • The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) migrated from Makkah to Madinah
  • Battle of Buwaat took place in the year 2 A.H
  • Battle of Saf'vaan took place in the year 2 A.H
  • Abu Bakr's (may Allah be pleased with him) daughter, Asma (may Allah be pleased with her) was born 6 years before Prophecy
  • Ruqayyah (may Allah be pleased with her) the daughter of the beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) was born 7 years before Prophecy
  • Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was appointed Caliph
  • Umm Kulthum (may Allah be pleased with her) was married in this month to the third Caliph; Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) in 3 A.H
  • Wife of the Holy Prophet Zainab (may Allah be pleased with her) passed away in the year 4 A.H
  • Ibrahim (may Allah be pleased with him) the son of Maaria Qibtiya & of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) passed away in the year 10 A.H

Take this month to follow Sunnah and express happiness, do good deeds, fast, learn Seerah or give that all important charity. We pray you have a successful month ahead and our thoughts go out to all those suffering across the world-May Allah (Glorified and Exalted) alleviate the difficulties and bring peace, guidance, prosperity to all humankind.