Islamic Studies for Teenagers
Every Friday | 5pm - 7pm

Sayidina Ali ibn Abi Talib says:
"the heart of a youth is like a fertile land ready to be cultivated"
He knew all too well the delicacy of this vital time in our lives, a junction which can be the making or downfall for all of us.
Teenagers, either feel the need to conform to what everyone else does, out of fear that they’ll be an outsider, or, the attraction of various acts pull so strongly on their hedonistic natured soul that they give in to temptation. Therefore, ultimately it’s insecurity in their individual identity, or the lack of appreciation of the reality and consequences of their actions that lead to the downfall.
It is at this age where teenagers can impact their future, by questioning ideas and concepts so that they can find that contentment and decisiveness to stick to their faith. Within each teenager there is a universe, but it takes real strength of character to expose it, but there is absolutely no doubt, that each teenager has the potential.
Madina’s Deen 4 Teens program is specially designed for teenagers and presents Islam in a way they would enjoy.
The objective of the course is to re-kindle and strengthen the spiritual, mental, and emotional bonds between our teenagers and the Deen. In an age of over-saturation of information, different cultural norms, and a quickly changing world, it is high time that a program be offered that teaches our youth what really matters – their relationship with God and the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم .
- This will be done in a way that is intellectually engaging, but not taxing;
- it will be conducted in an open, friendly, and relatable environment.
Challenges and Issues being faced by our youth!
- Today, our youth are struggling to maintain their Muslim identity (and belief!) in a largely secular society that not only threatens their principles and values, but also their Iman!
- They are being subject to questions of atheism and other secular philosophies, which they need to defend themselves against.
- Furthermore, they are losing their connection with Islamic clerics because they feel they are not being understood and their cultural context is not being addressed.
Therefore, this programme hopes to:
- equip them with the answers to these questions
- give them a relatable environment to learn their religion in, and
- reattach them to the masjid, the clerics, and
- give them the tools to navigate this world in a sound, balanced, and Islamic way.
It will be a means of fostering qualities of leadership, tolerance, conviction, hope, growth, and opportunity – inshaAllah.
Classes will run:
- For Boys: Every Friday from 5:00PM – 7:00PM
- For Girls: Every Friday from 5:00PM – 7:00PM