Usul ul-Hadith

After the Qur'an itself, the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad form the most important foundation of Islamic thought.
The hadith were accounts -- usually brief -- of the words and actions of the Prophet. As such, they were subjected to intense scrutiny by generations of Muslim scholars.
We have been instructed by Allah to follow the Prophet. The ahadeeth are therefore a key to our understanding and following his Sunnah. Allah Almighty inspired generations of scholars from time of the companions to the present day to work on preserving the ahadeeth.
These scholars have developed a whole intricate science to screen and classify the hadeeth. Through hard work and dedication over hundreds of years, they separated the authentic Hadeeth of the Prophet from the faked and inaccurate narrations that were falsely attributed to the Prophet.
In this level, the students will continue studying the principles of hadith classification and terminology at a higher level.
About the Books:
Muqaddimat Ibn al-Salah fi 'Ulum al-Hadith
Better know as the Muqaddima, Ibn al-Salah (1181-1245) composed this work while serving as the head of the Dar al-Hadith al-Ashrafiya in Damascus, one of the most prestigious institutions for the study of hadith in the Islamic world.
Here he provides a complete overview of the science devoted to the study of the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, and also a guide to the terminology and techniques of the scholars of hadith as it summarises most of the previous work on the subject and forms the basis of almost all later activity in the field.
The book enjoyed immense popularity and influenced most subsequent writing on the subject.
An-Nukat 'Ala Kitab Ibn Salah By Ibn Hajar Asqalani
This Book - An-Nukat 'Ala Kitab Ibn Salah consists of notes by By Ibn Hajar Asqalani on the points made by Ibn As-Salah in his famous work Ulum al-Hadith of Abu 'Amr 'Uthman ibn As-Salah (d. AH 643), commonly known as Muqaddimat Ibn As-Salah (Muqaddimah) , compiled while he taught in the dar al-Hadith (Hadith school) of several cities in Syria.
Textbooks Slated:
- Muqaddimat Ibn al-Salah fi 'Ulum al-Hadith by Ibn al-Salah
- An-Nukat 'Ala Kitab Ibn Salah By Ibn Hajar Asqalani