TAJ 000 |
Improve your recitation of the Quran Quran Recitation Drop-In Sessions |
Establish a relationship with the book of Allah ta alaa and eliminate any mistakes you maybe making in recitation |
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TAJ 101 |
Tajweed Foundation Level (For Brothers) |
A 30 week foundation tajweed course for Absolute beginners, those who have studied tajweed before, new Muslims, and anyone wanting to revise their Quran reading skills |
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TAJ 101 |
Iqra : Eternal Grace |
This course is designed to equip people to recognise and pronounce the words of Al-Qur'an correctly as has been soundly transmitted(mutawatir), insha Allah facilitating the the achievement of its full rewards and benefits. |
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TAJ 102 |
Rules of Tajweed Al-Jazariyah |
A 10 weeks monthly Tajweed course studying the famous poem of Tajwīd, ‘Al-Jazariyyah’. Students will grasp fundamental rules of Tajwīd theory by going through a detailed explanation of the widely recognized and taught text. |
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QRN 101 |
Tajweed Foundation Level (For Sisters) |
A 30 week foundation tajweed course for Absolute beginners, those who have studied tajweed before, new Muslims, and anyone wanting to revise their Quran reading skills |
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QRN 201 |
Tafsir Surah Yusuf Beyond Beauty : The Story of Yusuf Alayhis Salaam |
The mere mention of Surah Yusuf or the Prophet Yusuf (alayhi salaam) conjures up one thought in the human mind: extraordinary physical beauty. Whilst that is true, there are attributes beyond beauty that people can learn from the character and personality of Prophet Yusuf (alayhi salaam). |
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QRN 202 |
Tafsir Surah Al-Kahf Trials of the Virtuous |
Surah al Kahf, like all the Surah’s of the Qur’an, is a wonderful summary of many different important subjects and reminders. |
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QRN 203 |
Tafsir of Surah Maryam Surah Maryam |
Throughout this mesmerising Surah, reference is made to Allah’s attributes of compassion and beneficence, with specific examples of Allah’s mercy inspiring mankind to ponder, reflect and submit. The Surah highlights the most important aspect of our faith, Tawheed (Monotheism), emphasising the connection between mankind and its Creator and the afterlife. |
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QRN 204 |
Tafsir of Surah Yasin The Heart of the Qur'an |
Discover several fundamental messages embedded in one of the most beautiful chapters of the glorious Quran. Throughout this mesmerising Surah, you will witness the stories of paradise and the people of paradise and the bounties therein as well as hell and hell dwellers and sorrows therein, inspiring mankind to ponder and reflect. |
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QRN 205 |
Tafsir of Surah Fatiha Divine Conversation |
Al Fatiha guides YOU to speak to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in DUA. How is YOUR heart with Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala today? Are you closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala than yesterday?... |
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QRN 206 |
Tafsir of Surah Rahman Surah Rahman |
Al-Rahman is the glorious name of Allah which reflects His extraordinary compassion and mercy for His creatures. Surah Al-Rahman is an expression of Allah's countless blessings and favors on us. These favours are spread over this entire universe and often taken for granted e.g. the rising and setting of the sun, the growth of plants and them producing fruits etc . |
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QRN 207 |
Tafsir of Surah Al-Mulk The Awakening |
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QRN 301 |
Voice of Prophecy Has the News of Moses Reached You |
Part 1 of 3, focusing on the life of Musa (as) as mentioned in the Quran. Learn the many elements and characters involved in Musa’s (as) action-packed life and find their parallels to your personal struggles. This class compiles all the verses pertaining to Musa chronologically from his birth up to his time in Madyan, studies their context, linguistic genius, and subtle differences. |
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QRN 401 |
Tafsir & Tea |
The Quran is our guide in life and primary source of reference along with the Sunnah. Join us on this journey beginning with a commentary on *Surah Al Fatiha* and then the regularly recited common and short Surahs (Chapter 30) |
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QRN - 501 |
Ulum ul-Quran A perfect guide and introduction to the Quranic Sciences |
This course is designed to give students an account into the history of the Quran itself including its revelation, collection, preservation and much more. |
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QRN - 502 |
Usul ul-Tafsir A perfect guide to the Principles of Quranic Tafseer |
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