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Tuition Fees

Our goal is to make this programme accessible to all and for this reason we’ve kept the programme costs to a minimum with flexible payment options.

Tuition & Fees : £499 per semester (2 semesters per year)

Payment Plan

We have a flexible payment option to pay for your tuition Fees. 

First Installment: £259 to be paid by 17th September 2017

And then monthly installments of £80 over the period of 8 months; starting from November 2017 till June 2018. Payments are to be made at the beginning of each month

Alternatively, if you would like to pay for the full semester at the beginning of each Semester, then please do so. 

Financial Aid

Partial Financial Aid is currently only available to qualifying applicants and are granted based on the order they are received and the availability of funds.

Scholarships are a trust. Students receiving scholarships do so on condition of performance and attendance and may no longer receive benefits if not meeting Madina’s basic achievement requirements.

Please contact us via email if you need to fill out a request for Financial Aid at: ukadmissions@madinainstitute.org